Sunday, August 10, 2008

In the beginning...

"Choices always were a problem for you
what you need is someone strong to guide you."-Maynard James Keenan

Wake up goddamn it!!!

It's me, Ralph Waldo Boxxy Brown here to tell it like it is. (Get used to Boxxy M.F. Brown's multiple aliases. They are endless.) I will be reporting on state of the world. There's a lot of craziness out there, and this is the place to talk about it. However, the "Who? What? When? Where? How? and Why?" of world events are of little concern to me. Well... the "why" tends to interest me, but I'm not here to report all the news that's fit to print. I'm here for the news that's unfit to print. All of the things they don't talk about. All of the things they won't talk about. All of the things YOU won't talk about... but wish you could. I wish you would. These things need to be said. If they go on unspoken, we will go on unchecked in our downward, ego-driven spiral.

I just now decided that this will be my first topic, my minions. The unspoken. That which polite society, and the rest of us won't say. From the polite to wantonly passive-aggressive (who's numbers are shamefully vast.) We won't talk to each other. We won't say,"I love you" or "I hate you" only "I like you... I think." Where did the passion go? The inidividuality? The honesty, for fuck's sake?!?! If you want an eye-opening experience, start listening to what isn't being said. You will learn much more about people this way. Starting with how much their self-image is dependent on what other people think. This will quickly allow you to guage how much they don't love themselves. I don't say this in judgemental way. I say this with great empathy. I tried that approach too. It is a path to the abyss. There is nothing for you there. The staggeringly wise Maya Angelou told Dave Chappelle, "Don't pick it up and don't lay it down." Like you, I wasn't sure what she meant by that until she amplified the statement. Quite simply, if you grab onto the opinions of others at the times when they tell you "you're great..." or "you're the best..." you must also hang yourself on the times when they say, "your past it. You're nothing." You might protest, but give it some thought. Allowing the praise to swell your ego means that the criticism will inevitably diminish your conceptualized self. I implore you to "know thyself". You determine your own worth. At least you can. The choice is yours. It's a great thing choice, but you must choose wisely. Please don't choose based on what makes you look cool. What the hell does that mean anyway? To be "cool". I know this much: They harder you try to be cool, the less cool you actually are.

Have you ever told somebody, "Don't make me feel bad about that!" They're not. Your actions are making you feel bad. You knew it was wrong when you did it. It felt good at the time, so you did it anyway. Now you feel bad. Think about why that mechanism exists. Why would the knowledge that you did something wrong manifest itself pysically? Why does burning yourself hurt? So your stupid-ass doesn't leave your hand over the flame until you damage yourself beyond repair. If it makes you feel bad, stop doing it before your stupid-ass damages yourself (or someone who love's you) beyond repair!!!! It's your rampaging ego that allow you to justify your selfish nonsense. Don't let it.

I tangented a little at the end there, but my blood sugar is low and I must go eat. It's a blog, what'd you expect?

I love you, my minions. (Don't let it go to your head.)

-Boxxy M.F. Brown

"If you want to get your soul to heaven
trust in me now don't you judge or question."-Keenan

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